Monday, November 12, 2007

Now they have horse soccer?

how can they make horses play soccer... well if they can paint them sure it's possible, completely!

1 comment:

Judy Osburn said...

My horses absolutely LOVE horse soccer. I initially ordered an official horse soccer ball that popped within the first ten minutes of play, so I replaced that ball with a 48" cageball (tough bladder caged inside a separate nylon cover), which we've been calling "hoofball." It has provided much fun for over a year of arena work rewards and rough competitive play. My 3-year-old filly is very possessive of HER ball, especially when competing. Playing hoofball has much improved her stops, turns and backing skills, plus relieved all arena work boredom, as she tries her best to do well in the arena in anticipation of her reward of kicking the ball around. Check out a few photos at my blog:
I also uploaded a couple of video clips of a ball control practice session. Hopefully I'll soon get somebody to video some of our fast action competitive play--such great fun! And what a wonderful way to instill bravery into equine minds!